Bill Explainer - Your Invoice Without DoiT
Hi team.
I’ve received feedback from several customers who are confused by the AWS bill explainer. Currently, the cost explorer shows two columns: one for the AWS bill, which is lower than the DoiT invoice ($110.4k vs. $118.6k). From the customer’s perspective, this discrepancy makes it seem like they are overpaying to use DoiT. The difference is causing confusion, especially since they understand that there is an SP delta in the calculation, but they struggle to fully grasp how the gap is determined. Customers are asking for a clearer and simpler way to understand the breakdown of their costs.
Proposed Solution:
I think we can make this clearer by adding a third table below and it will be called the “Invoice without DoiT”. Here’s how I envision it:
DoiT’s invoice to you
Invoice without DoiT
AWS Invoice to DoiT
This approach would give the customer a clearer view of the cost breakdown and highlight exactly where DoiT is adding value. It also removes the need for customers to manually calculate the differences between the AWS bill and the DoiT invoice, which is often where confusion arises.
Why this helps: By laying out the cost structure in this way, it makes it easier for customers to see the difference between what they would pay without DoiT and what they’re actually paying with DoiT.
This was the process (screenshot below) used to show the calculation for one of our customers,, where we break down how their bill looks with DoiT, without DoiT, and the comparison with the AWS cost explorer. Having all the numbers laid out side by side helped them understand exactly where the discrepancies lie and what value we’re adding.
Happy to work on in this feature together and implementing it.