15 results found
Could we create one 'all in' invoice for DoiT Services and Products? I.e. including DoiT Navigator and Solve + Cloud usage.
All in invoice instead of separate invoices for cloud usage + Navigator.
7 votes -
6 votes
Need more information on how customers want to interact with the platform using Terraform.
Amortized Cost for CUR backfilled data
Hello Team,
One of the main priorities for the customer is to be able to amortize their reservation costs (OpenSearch) in this case. The customer went through CUR backfill and would like to be able to see those costs amortized.
Currently this is not supported, and they will only be able to use amortized cost reporting going forward on their new data.
The ask would be to enable Amortized Cost reporting on historical data, so the customer can benefit from this feature as soon as they get access to it within Navigator regardless the data being a historical backfill.
4 votes -
Option to Add in Taxes to Budgets
Additionally, the DoiT budget report doesn't include taxes, while our AWS budget does. Could it be possible to customize the configuration to include taxes in the budget cost?
4 votes -
Allow for Partial Split Costs in Reports
When splitting a shared cost (eg. "Shared Infrastructure" grouping) by other Attributions (eg. "Product 1" and "Product 2"), customer would like to be able to show only part of the result in a report.
At the moment it is not possible to build a report that combines eg. 30% of "Shared Infrastructure" with "Product 1" and shows the cost of only this. It is only possible to designate a full 100% split of "Shared Infrastructure" and the report must show each Attribution included in the split.
3 votes -
Allow for Invoice Explainer downloads
Customer would like to be able to download all data from invoice explainer into a table.
3 votes -
Persist Invoice buckets configuration historically
Every project that was billed in an invoice should stay as is in the reports, regardless of the current sate of the billing profile and accounts/projects assigned to.
Currently, when using the "Invoice" chip, one needs to select the invoice bucket/billing profile. If a project/account has been removed in the meantime, even when selecting time range when project/account xxx was present - it does not show in the report, as the Invoice filter takes into account only projects/account already present in the billing prifle/invoice bucket
3 votes -
Remove CUD Widget in DoiT Navigator when no info is present.
Customer would like to clean up the GCP Lens by removing the CUD utilization widgets since there is no data to be shown at the moment.
3 votes -
Combining Data sources for Attributions
Not sure if this would be feasible, but when creating an Attribution, we can only use data from the "Billing Data" source.
What if we can also create attributions from different data sources, such as "BQ Lens"?
1 vote -
Ability to rename AWS assets from the DoiT Cloud Navigator
Customer would like to have the ability to rename their AWS assets from the DoiT Cloud Navigator.
They understand that it would technically be easier to edit these directly in each account's AWS Console, but they work in a decentralised fashion with several different teams/companies managing each of these accounts, making it very difficult for them to edit these in practice, so they would like to have the ability to change/rename their AWS assets from the DoiT Cloud Navigator.1 vote -
Enable AWS Hourly Data in Navigator
AWS has the option to pay for more updated data in Cost Explorer. When a customer already pays for this, they would like to see it available in Navigator reporting.
1 vote -
FlexCUD Lens - coverage grouped by machine type and project
Based on a customer request, breakdown of FlexCUD coverage by machine type and project. the following report shows most of the data but the calculation is more complex and cannot be achieved in a report. FlexCUD Lens or dashboard could be created to show: 1. coverage percentage 2. effective discount achieved
1 vote -
Cloud Vendor Filtering
Feature Request: Cloud Vendor Filtering
This is just a suggestion - since we onboarded AWS (previously we only had GCP) it's gotten annoying to filter each cloud vendor when I want to look at it specifically.I'd suggest adding the option to filter cloud vendors (AWS, GCP, Azure, etc) somewhere else and not under the Filter drop-down menu.
Doing these multiple clicks each time isn't very convenient.
1 vote -
Anomaly detection by custom cost tag
We'd like to adjust our anomaly detection to allow selection of custom cost tag.
For instance, our primary cost tag is the Component tag, we now often get SKU-based anomalies that aren’t anomalies when looking at en entire Component tag value.
For instance: We may have a cluster tagged with Component=EMRCluster1 that switched from using one type of EC2 instance to the other. This will show up as an anomaly, but the entire service under this Component tag didn't necessarily have an anomaly.
30-50% of the anomalies we get now are now red herrings because of this.
My questions:
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Audit log expansion with restoring reports/dashboards
Ability to restore deleted reports/dashboards.
0 votes
- Don't see your idea?