10 results found
Support Costs SPOG
We think it would be helpful to have an "Understand my Support Costs" dashboard under Billing that would provide a SPOG for all support costs across Solve and PLPS for all Providers
7 votes -
Invoice explainer for marketplace invoices
Customers can opt into separating their Marketplace spend into a separate invoice. Whenever this happen, Invoicing explainer should work for Marketplace invoices as well.
2 votes -
Bill Explainer - Your Invoice Without DoiT
Hi team.
I’ve received feedback from several customers who are confused by the AWS bill explainer. Currently, the cost explorer shows two columns: one for the AWS bill, which is lower than the DoiT invoice ($110.4k vs. $118.6k). From the customer’s perspective, this discrepancy makes it seem like they are overpaying to use DoiT. The difference is causing confusion, especially since they understand that there is an SP delta in the calculation, but they struggle to fully grasp how the gap is determined. Customers are asking for a clearer and simpler way to understand the breakdown of their costs.
Proposed…1 vote -
Separate AWS Claude charges from being a AWS Marketplace Purchase (Comes as separate invoice when it shouldn't)
When a customer selects to have split invoices for every AWS MP purchase, it will recognize Claude as a MP purchase and create separate billing for multiple services under Claude when in reality it should just come under the usage.
1 vote -
Allow for Invoice Explainer downloads
Customer would like to be able to download all data from invoice explainer into a table.
3 votes -
Invoices that Mirror Attribution Groups/Cost Splitting
Customer would like to receive invoices that are in line with their split cost reporting, rather than broken down by account. They would like to be able to generate invoices that include % of shared costs like this have in this report.
Eg. https://console.doit.com/customers/GnnFMff9PzV9jH1UueMA/analytics/reports/IZ9C0e3zL44ki0PZ0dESThe only option for custom invoices is custom invoice buckets, which is still account-based meaning that accounts with split costs cannot be divided between different invoices.
1 vote -
Persist Invoice buckets configuration historically
Every project that was billed in an invoice should stay as is in the reports, regardless of the current sate of the billing profile and accounts/projects assigned to.
Currently, when using the "Invoice" chip, one needs to select the invoice bucket/billing profile. If a project/account has been removed in the meantime, even when selecting time range when project/account xxx was present - it does not show in the report, as the Invoice filter takes into account only projects/account already present in the billing prifle/invoice bucket
3 votes -
GCP Project Billing Bucket Assignment Rules
When we create projects in GCP, all projects that we create end up in the same billing bucket in the DoiT console. It would be great if we could set up some rules / configuration on the DoiT side to organize projects into different billing buckets based on the GCP project labels / tags. If that was possible, then it's easy for us to just label the projects we create appropriately in our Terraform. Lacking that, even enabling us to manage billing bucket project allocations via your REST API would be preferable to manually assigning projects.
1 vote -
Don't group all Marketplace spend under a single line item in GCP invoices
Right now all Marketplace spend is grouped under a single line item on our GCP invoices but some months we have 40%+ of our bill in Marketplace spend. I'd like to be able to see all of the marketplace line items separately on the invoice.
1 vote -
Attribution Groups Invoicing
We often have customers who need to manually update their invoice buckets. If we could have a function to use specific attribution groups to do this instead then it would save our customers using this function significant time in checking the invoice and then they would be able to make any adjustments without a large timesink
1 vote
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