Filter Insights by Attribution
As an individual on a team or working on a specific product, I'd like to see which portion of my company's total insights can be implemented by my team. This helps me understand which cost opt / security recommendations are within my team's control.
Similar concept to why we allow users to filter for anomaly alerts by an Attribution or might recommend customers to create customers dashboards made up of reports that are filtered to an Attribution (rather than looking at a Lens). Less noise + I know what I can take action on immediately. I believe this would also increase likelihood that Threads is used alongside an Insight.
With the experience today, I'd have to look at the breakdown in an insight and understand whether the associated accounts that can be optimized belong to my team/purview. Or I'd have to click the "Open report" button in an insight and then filter by my Attribution.
Attribution needs a wider-net UX consideration across all of our products