Improve Insights API / CRE UI to enable semi-automated submissions by CREs
I think it would be great for customers and CREs alike if CREs could, quickly and seamlessly, create multiple Custom Insights based on findings from deep technical dive meetings they hold with customers.
A pilot use case I had in mind is Technical Kick-Offs (TKOs): These are multi-hour engagements that comprehensively cover the customer's architectural design as it involves walking through a long check-list of things to ask about. I have a CSI board task set up ( which describes the following workflow I'd like to build that, if enabled by an upgrade to the Insights API / web UI, would be an enormous time-saver for CREs and would encourage follow-through by the customer on action items uncovered during the TKO and other long-form calls:
TKO/Customer Call Recording --> Insights Generator
The idea behind this app would be to:
Take a video recording (e.g. a TKO which can sometimes last hours) and use an LLM or a Transcription API to generate a transcript
Send that transcript through another LLM conversation to uncover recommendations for the customer and format them to be compatible with the DoiT Insights API
Call an Insights API that pre-populates the fields for a customer in a web browser UI that allows the CRE to review auto-generated Insights, update any of the fields, add new Insights or delete some, etc. before they are finalized & submitted to be visible to the customer.
The feedback I have gotten from the CREs running TKOs is that in addition to the hours-long customer meeting, they wind up spending 1 to 2 full days writing up a summary of all of the findings and then working with the customer + TAM to deliver this information and encourage follow-through. Imagine if that 1-2 days could be converted to 5-10 minutes of post-call work from the CRE after a cutting-edge LLM parses the recording and sets up >95% of the recommendations correctly. CREs would just need to review the content of the Insights to make sure they're accurate, fix a few minor things or rephrase how some are written, and hit Submit for the customer to see. You could even have submission of CRE-submitted Insights ping the TAM or AM on the account to ensure they are never missed by the xAMs.
I talked with Peter Mihal a few weeks back and he thought this was a great idea, but the product team needs to make time/prioritize to implement it. The Insights API is pretty bare-bones today and wouldn't fully support this use case as-is; see the up-to-date API docs here:
I think that having a web UI pop for the CRE to review that is auto-populated with the Insights submitted by an LLM is key to this, so it's not just an API support ask. I'm not sure how much work this would involve, but I can see it being reusable in a wide variety of use cases. Not just TKOs, but all general calls with customers could leverage this. It could even become a standard part of the CRE workflow: If you are meeting with a customer, ask if they're OK with recording it, and send that recording through an app that auto-generates Insights based on what was discussed.