113 results found
Enable importing Google Cloud billing account historical data both standard and detailed BQ exports.
Most Google customers do not have BQ export enabled for their direct / other partner billing accounts. The few who do, usually have only the standard BQ export options. Importing historical data makes the Navigator more useful faster and enables customers to compare their better new DoiT pricing with their older pricing. Allow customers to import all types of BQ exports and not just the new detailed schema which most customers do not use.
29 votes -
CUD Expiry Report
Hi, Can you create a GCP committed usage discount expiry report?
18 votes -
Combine multiple Metrics into one Report
Hello Team,
The customer is lacking the functionality to combine multiple Metrics into one report to get overall cost views quicker and easier.
At the moment, the customer needs to choose one specific Metric, and crate individual reports on that chosen Metric. The only way to get overview information on Savings, Amortized Cost, Amortized Savings. etc. is to bring those individual source reports to a Dashboard.
Allow multiple Metrics to be included when creating a report for a better overview on specific costs. This would help to see all information on a specific Service for example, so all cost…
12 votes -
Sync AWS Cost Categories
Sync AWS Cost Categories to Allocations in DCI.
7 votes -
Improve Insights API / CRE UI to enable semi-automated submissions by CREs
I think it would be great for customers and CREs alike if CREs could, quickly and seamlessly, create multiple Custom Insights based on findings from deep technical dive meetings they hold with customers.
A pilot use case I had in mind is Technical Kick-Offs (TKOs): These are multi-hour engagements that comprehensively cover the customer's architectural design as it involves walking through a long check-list of things to ask about. I have a CSI board task set up (https://doitintl.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/CSI/board?selectedIssue=CSI-1507&text=insights) which describes the following workflow I'd like to build that, if enabled by an upgrade to the Insights API…
5 votes -
Cost Anomaly Detection - Attribution overview
Hello Team,
currently neither admin users can look up what Attributions have been set for anomaly detection - since it only exists on individual user level within Notification preferences.
It would be useful for admin users to be able to look into what attributions have been set for anomaly detection among the teams, or filter out for cost anomalies of specific attributions within the Anomaly page.
In addition, a filter option could be added to the Attribution page to be able to see which attributions have been clicked in for Anomaly Detection.
Such setting would be crucial for ENT super…
3 votes -
Submit Support Tickets directly from Slack (Ava Chatbot to Human Led)
I have a few customers who are requesting that we offer a chatbot or an ability to directly submit support tickets and manage them through Slack. They had this feature at their last partner and it made it very easy for them to communicate and update support tickets.
4 votes -
Attributions to match Google SKU Groups
Google provides a an API to access SKU Groups such as "Standard On-Demand VMs" or "Cloud Storage".
By having Attributions (and further an overall Attribution Group), we could easily analyse spend based on these. It would be extremely helpful when preparing for GCP Commitments.
4 votes -
Sankey Charts for Invoice Reports
Hello Team, would it be possible to add Sankey Charts to the visualization types for Reports? This would be especially useful when using Invoice Reports
8 votes -
Analytics to show Flexsave savings & EDP discounts separately
At present, if a customer has an EDP the discounts are combined with Flexsave in Flexsave Negation for eligible services such as EC2, ECS etc - customers are increasingly asking to separate the EDP from FS so they can see each individually - do we have any plans to put this functionality into the system? thanks
3 votes -
Recommendations based on Anomaly Acknowledgement
DCI should be able to provide recommendations based on Anomaly status in the Anomaly acknowledgement flow.
One such use case is customer acknowledge an anomaly with: "No, this wasn't an anomaly" . System can check notification settings to see if this customer has configuration to suppress the anomalies based on severity or cost threshold. If not, we can make such recommendations to the customer or send notifications so that they can avoid such noise in the future.
3 votes -
Introduce currency value for custom metrics
Custom metrics don’t produce a “currency” value; it’s either a number or a percentage. Could we introduce a currency value for custom metrics like "GCP w/o Discounts"?
3 votes -
EKS by Argo Rollouts
Hello Team,
The customer would like to have the ability to present the K8S costs by rollouts and not only by deployments.
Currently, the kube-state-metrics doesn't natively export metrics for custom resources (CRDs) in the same way it does for Kubernetes native resources like Pods, Deployments, StatefulSets, etc.
It would be important to get another layer of granularity that would allow to analyze EKS costs based on rollouts.
5 votes -
Support Costs SPOG
We think it would be helpful to have an "Understand my Support Costs" dashboard under Billing that would provide a SPOG for all support costs across Solve and PLPS for all Providers
7 votes -
BigQuery near real-time cost anomaly for on-demand pricing model
BigQuery provides native views such as INFORMATIONSCHEMA.JOBSBY_ORGANIZATION(https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/information-schema-jobs-by-organization) which contain near real-time metadata about all jobs submitted in the organization or project.
Late last year, I developed a custom solution for a local customer who had a huge cost spike because of an application bug.The idea is to run a Cloud Function job that check the cost of BQ jobs in the past hour (can be user defined). If it exceeds a threadshold (let's say $100), it will write a log to Cloud Logging, which then trigger an alert based on a custom Cloud Logging metric.
2 votes -
Split fixed fee for DCI over multiple, underlying entities in the invoice in case of groups
Could we split the fixed fee for DCI over multiple underlying entities in the invoice? I.e. 3.5K divided by 2 or more related entities within the same group? Phase 2 would then be dividing the fixed fee pro rato based on the actual cloud usage.
Many thanks in advance
4 votes -
Filter cost per container in EKS Lens and reports
Currently, it is impossible to filter sidecar in EKS due to limitations in kube-state-metric regarding container-specific metrics.
Customers would like to have this level of granularity in EKS Lens and reports.2 votes -
Redshift Lens
Redshift Lens is a tool designed to help users track and optimize their Amazon Redshift costs and usage. It provides a dashboard with insights into operational efficiency, query performance, and best practices, along with actionable recommendations for both compute and storage. Redshift Lens supports both Redshift Provisioned and Redshift Serverless, and gathers data from sources like Amazon Trusted Advisor, Redshift Advisor, CloudWatch Metrics, and system metadata tables.
By offering out-of-the-box insights and optimization recommendations, Redshift Lens aims to help users maximize their cloud spend efficiency and improve their database workload. It addresses the challenges of understanding and optimizing Redshift workloads,…
2 votes -
"Limit by value" should have an option to aggregate remaining costs
"Limit by value" should have an option to aggregate remaining costs just like the "Limit by top/bottom" does. Otherwise the total cost does not add up as expected.
2 votes -
Automatically add the Cluster ID to RDS reports
This is specific to how AWS RDS specifies the ARN of the instance vs the ARN of the cluster.
When creating a Report in the console for RDS Aurora the cluster gets an ARN made up not of the cluster name, but of the cluster ID. The cluster ID is not obvious and must be searched in the AWS console or gotten via 2 API calls.
It would be great if the DoiT console could automatically include the cluster ARN whenever an instance ARN is given, since the storage and backup SKUs (at least) are under the cluster ID ARN…4 votes
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